Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tell Me What you Want....

As most of you know I have just started writing these blogs, it hasn't been quite a month yet. I am personally having a blast sharing and giving you insight and information into my world.. and the world of fitness.

This is probably gonna be the shortest post you'll ever get from me…

For me to deliver the best content to you and be of the most use to you I need to know what you really, really want .

So here it is… please answer ANY or all of the following by posting a comment in the comment section below…

What would you like to learn most about fitness ?

What are your biggest fears regarding getting started on a fitness program?

What are your biggest frustrations ?

What do you really wanna get out of your fitness program?


What do you feel is the single biggest obstacle between where you are now and where you want to be?

If you could sit down with me in person and ask me one question, what would it be?

If you're a regular reader of my blog, it's really important that I know what you want, so I can give it to you… I spend  time each week on this blog  and I want to make sure my time is spent wisely, so YOU can the most out of the content I create.

I want to thank you in advance for posting a quick comment letting me know what you want.

So ask away and I am looking forward to covering all the issues and problems that you may have. I could be like some other bloggers and guess what you need....But I would Rather give You what You WANT!!!

Looking forward to giving you great usable Information!!
Take Care,

Dedicated to your fitness Success!!!
C. Coop

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This Pep Talk is for YOU!!

I just sent out my monthly newsletter where I spoke to my Faithful and Loyal readers about the Rewards of Exercise. As people we only do things because we intend to get something favorable out of it. happy people Pictures, Images and PhotosI can give you all the secrets to Looking better, being firmer, stronger, and having  flat abs but if you don't fully believe or trust the outcome  will  be in your favor you will not follow through .

The number one reason that most people are out-of-shape is that they don't exercise enough.

I've often wished that I could give each and every one of you a personalized pep talk to get you up off the couch and into the gym, day after day. So here's my pep talk in bullet form - 12 rewards that you will gain from regular exercise.

Do yourself a favor and print this list and post it where you'll see it every day. When you need motivation or encouragement simply read over this list and feel your motivation soar.

  • You'll look amazing: Are you happy with the shape and size of your body? Regular exercise works wonders on your physique. Within a few weeks you'll see shape and tone in all the right places.bodies beautiful Pictures, Images and Photos

  • You'll lose the jiggles: Regular exercise tightens flabby arms, legs and waistlines. So wave goodbye to the jiggles with a solid exercise program.

  • Your clothes will fit better: Consistent exercise will tone and tighten your body, causing your clothes to not only fit better but to also look nicer. Also exercise ensures that soon you'll be trading your clothes in for smaller sizes.

  • You'll be less stressed: You have enough stress in your life - it's time for a break. A good workout invigorates your muscles, leaving you relaxed and less stressed.
  • You'll have more energy: WebMD tallied research studies and concluded that 90% of them prove exercise increases energy levels in sedentary patients. Next time you feel fatigued, fight it will the most powerful tool available: exercise.
  • You'll be stronger: Exercise improves muscle strength and endurance, two things that you use throughout each day. When you exercise consistently you'll be pleasantly surprised when difficult tasks begin to seem easy.

  • You'll be more confident: Who doesn't wish they walked and talked with more confidence? A consistent exercise program will do just that. As your body becomes more fit, watch as your confidence sky-rockets.


  • You'll meet cool people: You could benefit from a group of new, energetic friends, right? Gyms, bootcamps, workout centers and even the jogging trail are all great places to connect with fun new friends.
motivational posters Pictures, Images and Photos

  • You'll reduce your blood pressure: Exercise has been proven more effective than medication in reducing blood pressure to normal levels. A single workout has been shown to reduce blood pressure for the day and regular exercise reduces overall blood pressure in the long run.

  • You'll sleep better: Do you toss and turn for hours before falling asleep? Exercise is a powerful sleep aid. Your tired muscles encourage your body to quickly fall asleep so they can get their overnight repair work done.

  • You'll lower your risk of heart disease: Regular exercise strengthens your heart and makes it more resilient against disease. A sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for heart disease, so rest assured that consistent exercise is your ally against disease.

  • You'll lower your risk of diabetes: Studies show that exercising as little as half an hour each day can dramatically reduce your risk of diabetes. If you are at risk of diabetes, or already have diabetes, regular exercise is the most effective treatment for reversing the disease.

What are you waiting for? Lace up your shoes and get moving!

Guarantee Your SuccessCheck out my group classes they are affordable and its a built in Support System!!

The quickest, easiest way to guarantee that you'll meet your fitness and weight loss goals is to work one-on-one with a qualified fitness professional. You'll be held accountable with your workouts and you'll be instructed properly and shown techniques and strategies that will expedite your results. Call or email today to get started on a program that will take the guesswork out of fitness and to set your results on fire.
Your comments are welcomed!

Dedicated to Your Fitness Success,

Friday, September 4, 2009

How to fit working out into your schedule...and get quick Results

Okay I know you are here to find out  How to get to your fitness goals quickly. This is the most frequently asked question:"Whats the quickest way I can lose my stomach, thighs, butt or whatever problem area that person might have. My first response to them is  change your eating habits... then they give me a face like this:

So in an effort to avoid you giving me that face. I wont talk about eating habits this time...But it surely will be a topic of discussion later on!!

Before I tell you  how to lose weight quickly  Let me tell you about what  happened the other day.I was getting ready for one of my group training class in Long Beach when one of my clients called well she actually text me..YOU are Going to Hate Me... I cant make it to class today!!

Mind you I spoke with her earlier and she said she would be there. (Anyone that knows me knows that I dont freak out if my clients dont show. Those that show up get a great workout ...and get great Results...those that don't...dont.)

I said it was fine and I'm sure she had a good reason . She then proceeds to tell me that she cant come to my class because her friend is having a baby....Tomorrow!

So her and her friends are at the hospital being her support team...Now if thats not an excuse and a very bad one I dont know what is...I would much rather her tell me she was tired, didnt feel like working out ,or  just didn't want to come, then to tell me that.  It was funny because it was the lamest excuse Id ever heard!!
Okay I just wanted to share that with in case you have a meeting, an appointment with a trainer or anything else  you can NEVER use that excuse!

Okay now to the REEL DEEL!!
Do you ever feel that you just don't have the time to workout? Between family, kids, work, eating and sleeping you barely have time to breath. Sometimes getting in an hour of exercise (which is what the American Heart Association recommends ) everyday is just plain impossible.

Do you have 15-20 minutes. Seriously, what can 15-20 minutes do for you? Well, I am here to tell you that if done properly, short intense bursts of training can help you lose fat, gain muscle and help you feel more energized.

Its called HIIT or high intensity interval training is a type of training that uses all out training techniques to help you get a quick workout in with all the benefits of an hour long training session. So what is the catch?

You have to make the workout super intense.
 Meaning you need to feel out of breath, rest and then get out of breath again. To be more specific you need to train at 90% of your target heart rate zone for 30 seconds to 1 minute, bring your heart back to 70% and then crank it up again. 15-20 minutes of this type of training and I promise you, you will be done!

The secret of HIIT is that you burn up to 9x more kcal after you are finished working out due to the EPOC effect. EPOC stands for Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption. Your body continues to use an increased level of oxygen which increases  your metabolism. The result is more calories burned, more fat burned, more time to do the things you actually like doing and you are much more energized.

okay thats what I like to do in my free time...You pick yours

Here is an example of a beginner HIIT workout:

Warm up 3 min on treadmill or walking outside

30 seconds of speed squats/rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of push ups/rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of alternate lunging/rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of pullups/rest 30 seconds
20 seconds sprint/40 seconds rest

REPEAT 3x for a 15 minute workout, 4x for a 20 minute workout.(Modify if you can't do one of the exercises)

*For a more advanced workout, add weights to the squats and lunges and decrease the rest time to 15 seconds.

Remember your heart rate needs to be elevated to 90% of your MAX for you to get the EPOC effect, meaning you need to feel out of breath!

For more great information go to  and opt in for my  Free Newsletter!

If you would like more information on HIIT training or would like to do an HIIT training session with me, let me know.

Try that workout and let me know what you think!! Your comments are always welcomed and Appreciated.
Committed to you Fitness!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are you Average?

I figured my first post would be Motivational because we will be dealing with some tough & Real Issues..So Enjoy its by a great Motivational Speaker!

"Do you follow through on your assignments, goals and tasks? Do you do just enough to get by or do you strive to go beyond average? Are your efforts mediocre or shining?

The word "mediocre" is rooted in the Indo- European language. It comes from two words "half way" and "mountain."

When you give an average effort to complete a task, a fitness program, an assignment or any goal --- you are only going half way up the mountain. Do your best whether someone is watching you are not.

Grow beyond the distractions, temptations, fear, procrastination, heartaches, criticism, weariness, indifference, depression, struggle and the "I can't" attitude!" Put on your faith walking shoes. Press on and go all the way! Be self-motivated. Put some pizzazz in what you do! Rest if you must --- but don't turn around. Keep growing! Don't be a mediocre climber in life. You are more than that! You have what it takes to be a winner --- not just average. Be above average in the way you dress, work, give, serve others, speak, study, paint, create, dance, sing, love and live your life. If your goal this year is to; become debt-free, buy a home/car, travel, start your business, become clean and sober, control your temper, be more healthy, lose weight or graduate --- don't give up --- go all the way. Pray as you climb. Press and persist as you climb. Let go of what's unnecessary as you climb. Focus on your goal as you climb. Give thanks as you climb. You have already come a long way. ~ By Jewel Diamond Taylor