Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Your Body Pledge of Allegiance

This is an Awesome Pledge that we should all have somewhere where we can see it  and read daily. Feel free to save, print and pass along.

My Body Pledge of Allegiance:

Today, I vow to start loving my body – no matter how I am feeling, how I look, and wherever I am in my journey.

I promise to stop the self- criticism, negative self-talk, and to be present in each moment to stop and acknowledge my negative thoughts, and how I am feeling. This will help me realize that almost everything my inner critic says is not true, and to change my beliefs.

I pledge to never again to participate in a barrage of bashing of myself. This includes picking myself apart when I make an error in judgment or a mistake – no matter how big or small.

I promise to begin treating my body with respect by feeding it what it needs, and taking care of it so it can function as efficiently as it can - no matter what my age.

I promise to recognize that I can only ask so much of my body, and that it deserves to sleep and rest in order to prepare for the next day, and I will honor by giving it at least 7 hours of sleep every night.

I promise not to consciously or unconsciously compare my body to others.

I promise not to be influenced by the media, or the fashion industry in what makes a woman beautiful, or the right size. I know that the media does not set the standards for beauty or my self esteem, and is there only to further their own agendas, and line their pocketbooks.

I vow that I will no longer let the scale or a certain size define me.

I promise to recognize that all body types can be beautiful - including mine.

I pledge to recognize my strengths, achievements, and attractiveness. I will affirm to myself every day that I am a wonderful just as I am in that moment.

I promise not to criticize myself, punish myself, or feel guilty when I make a mistake. I am human, not perfect; I know that my mistakes are a way to help me learn, which then helps me become stronger.

I pledge to be true to myself and others because it is who I wish to be.

I promise to stand up, and speak up for myself and others when I hear something harmful or emotionally demeaning said. We all deserve the respect and love of others.

I vow that I will remember that I deserve to love myself right here and right now – in every moment.

Today, and every day from here forward, these are my choices!

Create a great Day!

“If people refuse to look at you in a new light and they can only see you for what you were, only see you for the mistakes you've made, if they don't realize that you are not your mistakes, then they have to go.” -Steve Maraboli

Chelsea C.